August 29, 2021: 5th Sunday Worship and Sharing
***Service begins at 8:25***
August 22, 2021: Worship Leader-Patty Havens
Sermon- Pastor Karl Hoyer, 'The Unknown God, Made Known' Acts 17
***Service begins at 10:15***
August 15, 2021: Worship Leader-Peter Havens
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'Faith that Overcomes' Acts 16
***Service begins at 3:28***
August 8, 2021: Worship Leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon- Associate Pastor Matt Havens- The Church Handling a Problem
August 1, 2021: Worship Leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon- Associate Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster, Acts 14
July 25, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'The Church is on the Move' Acts 13
July 18, 2021: Worship Leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon- Pastor Gene MIller, 'When the Church Prays' Text: Acts 11:19-12:25
July 11, 2021: Worship Leader- Summer Staff at Penn-York Camp
Sermon-Pastor Harold Miller, 'Let's make space for God to Act' Text-2 Kings 4:1-7
July 4, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon-Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'Acceptance' Acts 9:32-11:18
June 27, 2021: Worship Leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon-Pastor Gene Miller, 'Transformed' Acts 9:1-31
After the prayer at the 3 minute mark, Associate Pastor Matt Havens shares personally about his time as one of the Assistant Coaches of the Wellsville Varsity Boys Baseball Team. They were the Section V, Class B2 Champs this year! There is a brief video put together by Ben Havens and then Pastor Gene Miller shares some as well before the worship time.
June 20, 2021: Worship Leader-Mary Jane Demster
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller 'The Church Reaches Out' Acts 8
June 13, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon: Pastor Karl Hoyer, 'Stephen: Chosen Servant Suffers Consequences' Acts 7:1-60
June 6, 2021: Worship Leader-Peter Havens
Sermon-Pastor Karl Hoyer, 'Stephen: Captivated by Christ and Scorned by Men' Acts 6:1-15
May 30, 2021: 5th Sunday Worship and Sharing
Service begins shortly after the 5 minute mark
May 23, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'The Ministry of the Holy Spirit' Acts 5:1-42
May 16, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller 'By the Name of Jesus' Acts 4
May 9, 2021: Worship Leader- Matt Engle
Sermon- Associate Pastor Sarah L Demster, Acts 3
May 2, 2021: Worship Leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon-Pastor Gene Miller, 'Rekindle the Flame' Acts 2:42-47
** The electricity was off at church and came on part way through worship, so the beginning few minutes of the service is not recorded**
April 25, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon- New York Mennonite Conference (NYMC) Minister, Terry Zehr, Acts 5:12-42
April 18, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster
Sermon-Pastor Gene Miller, 'Power from on High,' Acts 2:1-42
April 11, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon-Associate Pastor Sarah, Acts 1
April 4, 2021: Easter Sunday
Worship Leader- Joanna Clark
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'Then They Remembered' Luke 24:1-10
March 28, 2021: Worship Leader- Matt Engle
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'Secret of Contentment' Phil 4:10-23
March 21, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster
Sermon- Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'Pauls Plan for Problems' Phil 4:1-9
March 14, 2021: Worship Leader- Joanna Clark
Sermon-Pastor Gene Miller, 'Finishing Well' Phil 3:12-21
Service begins at 7:29
March 7, 2021: Worship Leader- Peter Havens
Children's Sermon: Bruce Kornhuas
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller, 'The Precious Gain of Knowing Christ' Phil 3:1-11
February 28, 2020: Worship Leader-Patty Havens
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Two Faithful Servants' Phil 2:19-30
February 21, 2021: Worship Leader- Joanna Clark
Sermon: Associate Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster- Communion, Phil 2:12-18
February 14, 2021: Worship Leader- Matt Engle
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Becoming like Jesus- Choosing Humility and Love' Phil 2:6-11
February 7, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller 'Becoming Like Jesus' Philippians 1:27-2:5
Sunday January 31, 2021: 5th Sunday Worship and Sharing
January 24, 2021: Worship Leader- Matt Engle
Sermon: Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'Recipe for Lemonade' Phil 1:12-26
January 17, 2021: Worship Leader- Patty Havens
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller, 'God's Good Work in You' Phil 1:1-11
January 10, 2021: Worship Leader- Joanna Clark
Sermon: Pastor Gene Miller, 'The Greatest Power on Earth' Eph 2:19-22
January 3, 2021: Worship Leader- Mary Jane Demster.
Sermon: Associate Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster,'Whose report will you believe?' Numbers 13+14
December 27, 2020: Worship Leader- Peter Havens
Sermon: Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'Waiting for God' Luke 2:24
Christmas Eve Service: 'Meekness and Majesty' Associate Pastor Matt Havens
***Service begins at 11:54***
December 20, 2020: Worship Leader- Matt Engle
Sermon- Associate Pastor Sarah L. Demster 'Wonder and Glory' Luke 2:8-14
December 13, 2020: Worship leader-Joanna Clark
Sermon- Pastor Gene Miller, 'Hopes and Fears' Micah 5:2-5
December 6, 2020: Assoc. Pastor Matt Havens, 'Hope' Psalms 33:20-22 & Romans 5:5
November 29, 2020: 5th Sunday Worship and Sharing
November 22, 2020: Assoc. Pastor Sarah, 'In Everything Give Thanks'
November 15, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Extravagantly Blessed', text Ephesians 1:15-23
November 8, 2020: Assoc. Pastor Matt Havens, 'So, how do we respond?' Josh 5:13-15
November 1, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Let it Shine!' Matt 5:14-16. Children's Message by Rachel Gunzburger.
October 25, 2020: Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'Mind Control' Romans 8:5-11
October 18, 2020: District Minister, Pastor Don Siegrist, 'Led by the Spirit' Luke 4:1-14
October 11, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Faith Conquers Fear' Luke 8:22-25
October 4, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, Luke 8:43-48. A message for the children by Sharon Miller is at the beginning.
September 27, 2020: Associate Pastor Sarah, 'Blessings'
September 20, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Draw near to God.' Text: James 4:6-10
September 13, 2020: Associate Pastor Matt Havens, 'A broken heart is the right kind.' Text: Joel 2:12-17 (sermon was not videoed due to rainy weather)
September 6, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller 'It's time to seek the Lord.' Text: Hosea 10:12
August 30, 2020: 5th Sunday Worship and Baptism (no video)
August 23, 2020: Pastor Karl Hoyer
August 16, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'You can be an Overcomer' Text: 1 John 5:1-5
August 9, 2020: Associate Pastor Sarah, Communion Sunday, Text: Psalm 133, Ephesians 4
August 2, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'Overcoming our Giants' Text: 1 Samuel 17
July 26, 2020: Technical issue with video camera, sermon was not recorded
July 19, 2020: Sermon was not recorded by request of the speaker
July 12, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'What is the Church to do in a Time of Change?' Part 2
Text: Acts 5:1-6:7
July 5, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'What is the Church to do in a Time of Change?' Text: Acts 4:1-37
June 28, 2020: Associate Pastor Sarah, Psalm 139:23-24
June 21, 2020: Roscoe Snell's message was not recorded out of respect for the security of those he works with.
June 14, 2020: Pastor Gene's sermon was not able to be recorded due to an audio issue with the camera
June 7, 2020: Courage to Change- Terrence Rodgers and Pastor Gene Miller.The last few minutes of Pastor Gene's short message and closing prayer are cut off due to the camera's time limit.
May 31 2020: Pentecost Sunday-brief mediation from Associate Pastor Sarah
May 24, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'When Jesus seems absent'
May 17, 2020: Communion Sunday, Associate Pastor Matt Havens
Part 1. Mother's Day, May 10, 2020. A monologue from the perspective of Mary the mother of Jesus by Sharon Miller.
Part 2. Mother's Day, May 10, 2020. 'Saying 'YES' to God-Mary the Mother of Jesus'
Pastor Gene Miller
May 3, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, 'It's all about Jesus.' A summary of the 6 month study of John
April 26, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, John 21
April 19, 2020: Associate Pastor Sarah Lehman Demster, Luke 20:19-31
April 12, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, Easter Sunday Message
April 5, 2020: Pastor Gene Miller, Palm Sunday message
March 29, 2020: Sarah Lehman Demster, 5th Sunday Sharing Psalm 61 and Psalm 96
March 22, 2020: Matt Havens, What is Certain? John 19:1-27