What Will You Find at Yorks Corners Church?
Friendly, authentic people
A casual, comfortable atmosphere
Vibrant Worship
Practical messages from God's Word
Activities for children and youth
A bunch of regular people who are trying to live out what the Bible teaches
The power of God at work changing lives, bringing healing and hope

"I have really appreciated the people here at Yorks Corners, they are so real and
genuine in living out their faith"
What We Believe
Jesus Christ is the One who died and rose from the dead so that we can live in union with God.
The Bible is central: The church tries to live in obedience to the Word of God.
We believe the Holy Spirit uses the written Word to give the church new life and to help people grow in faith.
New Life in Christ: God sent Jesus to the world so that all those who believe in Him could receive forgiveness for all their sins, as well as whole life today and the promise of eternal life with God.
Voluntary Membership: Commitment to Christ and “believer’s baptism.”
Reaching out to the whole world: In John 20:21 the church is sent to share the “good news” to persons throughout the world. We believe this calls us into action to meet the physical and spiritual needs of all persons.
Belonging to each other: The church grows in faith, unity, service and witness when it is a caring and loving community.
Living peacefully: As disciples of Jesus, Mennonites try to live under Christ’s rule. This means living peaceably with others at all levels, serving the poor and needy, taking risks to work actively for justice and mercy.
Helping each other: Mennonites are to care for the spiritual, emotional and physical health of other members.