There are 4 ways to participate each Sunday morning at 10 am:
1. Join us in the main sanctuary.
2. Enter through the outside door of the Fellowship Room (old Sanctuary) and view the service on a live stream feed to a 70' inch TV. If you choose to meet in here you are able to remain separate from the larger group that is meeting in the sanctuary.
3. Remain in your car and listen to the service that is broadcast on 88.1. Drive up to the main entrance and an usher will bring a bulletin and song sheet out to you.
4. You can click the blue 'Weekly Sunday Service Live Stream' button to the right and view the morning worship service in it's entirety. The stream will begin a few minutes before 10 am each week and conclude when the service ends.
Every Monday night at 7 pm at the First United Methodist Church, 79 Madison St, Wellsville, NY
All are welcome!
Find out more about what to expect on your first visit and what we believe as a church.

Yorks Corners Mennonite Church
3350 County Road 29
Wellsville, NY 14895
Pastors: Matt Havens &
Sarah Lehman Demster

10:00 am- Sunday morning Worship Service
Sunday School begins at 11:15.